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Dental Sealant
Silver Spring, MD

Family smiling and laughing after dental sealant appointment at Metropolitan Dental Specialty Group in Silver Spring, MDYou already know that brushing and flossing are key preventative measures for keeping your teeth, and your child’s teeth, safe from cavities. However, it’s not always easy to properly clean all of your teeth. The teeth used to chew, the molars, are rough and uneven. They have little nooks and crannies that bacteria and food particles love to hide in. Because these teeth can be more difficult to clean, they are more prone to cavity development. At Metropolitan Dental Specialty Group, we can help you to more effectively prevent cavities with dental sealants.

Why Get Dental Sealants?

Because of the physical structure of the molars, they are more prone to cavities than your other teeth. It just may not be possible for the bristles of your toothbrush to reach to the bottom of the crevices, meaning that bacteria and debris are left behind. Sealants are a plastic coating that is painted on the tops of your molars and premolars, sealing crevices on these vulnerable teeth to keep out the unwanted accumulation and providing additional protection against cavities.

Who Can Get Dental Sealants?

In most cases, sealants are suggested for children. This is because children are more prone to getting cavities, particularly between the ages of 6 and 14. The first molars come in around the age of 6 and the second molars typically appear around the age of 12. If sealants are recommended, they are typically placed as soon as the molars erupt, providing children with the greatest amount of protection.

Children may be the most likely ones to get cavities, and therefore benefit from dental sealants, but adults can benefit as well. If you are prone to getting cavities, we can help to determine if sealants are the right solution for you.

Are Dental Sealants Necessary?

Dental sealants are not a necessary treatment. However, they can provide additional protection against the development of cavities, which can then help you to save time and money down the line. If we are recommending dental sealants, it is because we believe they are in the best interest of your, or your child’s oral health.

Are Dental Sealants Permanent?

Dental sealants are not permanent. In most cases, they last approximately ten years. They do not need to be removed. Instead, they gradually wear away. If, after your sealants have worn away, we believe it is in your best interest to replace them, the process is easily repeated.

Are Dental Sealants Safe?

Some patients express concerns over the presence of BPA in dental sealants. Dental sealants may contain tiny amounts of BPA in them because of the way the sealant material is made. Some sealants do not contain BPA, but they do contain derivatives that can convert to BPA when they come into contact with saliva. The amount of BPA is small. Dental sealants are seen as a safe treatment. Most people are exposed to more BPA in other plastic products. If you, or your child, is being recommended sealants, it is because the risks outweigh the benefits. If you are concerned about BPA in dental sealants, do not be afraid to ask any questions.

If you are interested in learning more about dental sealants for you or your child, contact Metropolitan Dental Specialty Group at (301) 585-0400 today.

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Dental Sealant Silver Spring, MD | Metropolitan Dental Group
Dental Sealant in Silver Spring, MD by Metropolitan Dental Group. Our Premier Dental Practice also serves the greater D.C. area. Call (240) 650-6181
Metropolitan Dental Specialty Group, 8380 Colesville Rd #750, Silver Spring, MD 20910 + (301) 585-0400 + + 1/31/2025 + Page Keywords: dental implants Silver Spring MD +